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Guestbook — 4 Comments

  1. Will you be having any Field Golden Puppies coming up? CR is doing well, she is 4 now and Angel has passed…we are thinking she needs a new sibling…

  2. Hi Lori,
    We are looking at Miss Aloni to have a litter after the first of the year. Will that timing work for you?

  3. Julie,
    We are hoping you will have a litter in Feb./Mar. 2025 as this year won’t work for us….please keep us posted…CR is such an awesome family member who likes to chase the squirrels, possums and rabbits around the yard, loves hiking, swimming in lakes and pools, chilling on the kayak with Lori paddling…lol.

  4. Hi Deidre,
    I’m so glad everyone is enjoying CR. As far as another litter, it is looking like April for a litter of reds to be born. Will that work for you guys?

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